
No se encontro descripcion para la especie.

Distribucion y Habitat

Distribution: North-western Argentina (Tucumán and Salta, probably also in Jujuy) and southern Bolivia [83 BOL 85 AGW].


Carex Carex giovanniana Jim. Mejías

Ejemplares de referencia

Colector N° Colect. Especie Departamento Provincia Imagen
  • Rodríguez Palacios, G. E.
  • 21 GERP15 Rosario de Lerma Salta
  • Rodríguez Palacios, G. E.
  • 21 GERP15 Rosario de Lerma Salta

    Nombre Vulgar y Usos

    Tipo y Observaciones

    Material Tipo: Holotype: ARGENTINA. Salta Prov.: Rosario de Lerma Dpt., Campo Quijano, Corralito, 1750–1850 m, 24°58’54” S 65°43’40” W, 3 Feb 15, Rodríguez-Palacios et al. 21GERP15 (SI!, isotypes at MCNS! UPOS! WS!).
    Observaciones: Iconography: Figures 2F, 3F. See additional figures in Jiménez-Mejías et al. (2020). Etymology: Commemorating Giovanni E. RodríguezPalacios, an amateur caricologist born in Zacatecoluca (El Salvador, 1977) and collector of the holotype. Notes: Previously confused with C. subdivulsa (Jiménez-Mejías et al., 2016c), C. sororia and C. uruguensis (see notes under these latter two species). Carex giovanniana can be easily distinguished from these species by the characters presented in the identification key. See additional comments in Jiménez-Mejías et al. (2020).