
No se encontro descripcion para la especie.

Distribucion y Habitat

Distribution: Native from Eurasia and North Africa, apparently introduced in the Río de la Plata Region (Buenos Aires Province in Argentina and Uruguay) and central Chile [85 age clc uru] (Jiménez-Mejías et al., 2018; Calvo & Jiménez-Mejías, 2020).

Ejemplares de referencia

Colector N° Colect. Especie Departamento Provincia Imagen
  • Cabrera, A. L.
  • 1773 Buenos Aires
  • Calvo, J.
  • 8014 Valparaíso Valparaíso
  • Chebataroff, J.
  • 8219 -
  • Rosengurtt, B.
  • 2022 B Montevideo
  • Rosengurtt, B.
  • 2122 -

    Nombre Vulgar y Usos

    Tipo y Observaciones

    Material Tipo: W. Sherard s.n., en Herb. Sloane 127: 47, segundo espécimen desde la derecha (lectotipo, BM-SL!, designado por Molina et al., Taxon 55: 1010. 2006). Reino Unido. [Kent]. Isle of Sheppey, S. Goodenough s.n. (epitipo, K 000960405!, designado por Molina et al., Taxon 55: 1010. 2006).
    Observaciones: Iconography: Figures 1K, 2W, 3W. See additional figures in Ball & Reznicek (2002: 203), Jermy et al. (2007: 255). Etymology: From the Latin divisus, divided, probably in reference to the head-like inflorescences, that are often lobed. Notes: This taxon has been previously cited from South America as Carex marcida Boott (= C. praegracilis Boott) (see Jiménez-Mejías et al., 2018). The sparse material from Argentina, Chile and Uruguay that we have examined matched the characters reported to distinguish C. divisa from C. praegracilis (Ball & Reznicek, 2002). Carex divisa has become naturalized in other parts of the world (Ball & Reznicek, 2002; Govaerts et al., 2020+), thus the South American populations could also well be the result of human introduction. Selected additional references: Ball & Reznicek (2002), Jermy et al. (2007), Luceño et al. (2008) (descriptions).