Subshrubs 1.5 m tall; branches glandular-pubescent. Stipular prickles slightly curved at apex, 1.5–5 × 2–2.5 mm. Leaves 5- to 7-foliolate; petioles glandular-pubescent, armed with slender to stout straight prickles, 3–8.5 cm; leaflets obovate to oblanceolate, 2.8–5 × 1.2–2.2 cm, basally cuneate, apically obtuse-apiculate, petiolules pubescent, armed, 1–3 mm, margin ciliate, surface with scattered short eglandular hairs on both sides, midrib and secondary veins densely pubescent, without prickles. Inflorescence of corymbiform racemes, terminal, 15 cm; floral bracts petiolate, petioles pubescent, with a pair of prickles at the base, 2–5 mm, blade ovate, 11–17 × 6–14 mm, basally rounded, apically obtuse, margin ciliate, with scattered short eglandular hairs on both sides. Flowers with pedicels 20– 30 mm, pubescent; sepals lanceolate, 8–9 × 1–2 mm, acuminate, margin ciliate, pubescent abaxially, petals oblong-elliptic, 30–33 × 8–12 mm, basally contracted into a claw, claw 15–18 mm, apically obtuse, white, glabrous, nectary conic, inconspicuous fleshy, obsolete in fruit; filaments 95–110 mm, purple; anthers 12–13 mm, ovary cylindric, 7–10 mm, puberulent; style absent; stigma discoid, sessile. Fruits on a gynophore 75–95 mm, cylindric, 7.5–9.5 cm × 4–6 mm, glabrous. Seeds suborbicular, 1.8–2 × 1.5 mm, longitudinally striate, transversely ridged, cleft covered by a smooth membrane, inflated cells absent.
Distribucion y Habitat
The species is known from only eight localities in Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay (Fig. 7C). It is reported along roadsides, borders of rivers, and in flooded places.
Tarenaya Tarenaya lilloi (S.A. Gómez) Arana & Oggero
Ejemplares de referencia
Colector | N° Colect. | Especie | Departamento | Provincia | Imagen |
495 | Pirané | Formosa | ||
658 | Pirané | Formosa | ||
12 | Pilagás | Formosa | ||
2076 | Alto Paraguay |
Nombre Vulgar y Usos
Tipo y Observaciones
Material Tipo: Basónimo: Cleome lilloi S.A. Gómez
Observaciones: Phenology.- Tarenaya lilloi flowers and fruits from October to December.
Discussion.- Tarenaya lilloi can be distinguished from other species by its obovate to oblanceolate leaflets, with an obtuse-apiculate apex, large floral parts (sepals 8–9 mm long, petals 30–33 × 8–12 mm, filaments 95–110 mm long, anthers 12–13 mm long), and cylindric capsules on a long gynophore 75–95 mm long.