Subshrubs 0.8–1 m tall; branches glandular-puberulent to glabrescent. Stipular prickles straight, 1–2 × 1 mm, missing in some individuals. Leaves 3- to 5-foliolate; petioles puberulent, unarmed, 2.5–4 cm; leaflets ovate to elliptic or oblanceolate, 1.8–5 × 1–2 cm, basally cuneate or obtuse, apically acute, apiculate, petiolules puberulent, unarmed, 2–4 mm, margin ciliate, surface glabrous on both sides, midrib and secondary veins glabrous, without prickles. Inflorescence of corymbiform racemes, terminal, 20–30 cm; floral bracts with petioles puberulent, 2–3 mm, blade ovate to elliptic, 15–23 × 5–7 mm, basally obtuse or cuneate, apically acute, apiculate, margin ciliate, puberulent on both sides. Flowers with pedicels 15–25 mm, densely puberulent; sepals triangular to lanceolate, 4–5 × 1 mm, acuminate, margin ciliate, densely puberulent abaxially; petals obovate to widely obovate, 6–8 × 3–4 mm, basally contracted into a claw, claw 6–8 mm, apically obtuse, white, glabrous; nectary conic, inconspicuous fleshy, obsolete in fruit; filaments 20–35 mm, purplish; anthers 4–5 mm; ovary ellipsoid, 2 mm, glabrous; style absent; stigma discoid, sessile. Fruits on a gynophore 30–40 mm, fusiform to oblong, 3–3.5 cm × 3–7 mm, glabrous. Seeds suborbicular, 2.5–3 × 3 mm, longitudinally striate with transverse acute ridges, cleft wide, covered by an opaque aril connecting the claws.
Distribucion y Habitat
It occurs in Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay (Fig. 10C) at elevations up to 350 m, in chaco forests on the slopes of low hills, open or shaded weeds on sandy dunes, disturbed urban areas, and roadsides.
Tarenaya Tarenaya tucumanensis (H.H. Iltis) Arana & Oggero
Cleome tucumanensis H.H. Iltis
Brittonia 12(4): 284. 1960 Cleome tucumanensis is a nom. nov. for Cleome flexuosa Grisebach (1874: 73–74), nom. illeg. hom., non C. flexuosa Dietrich (1816: 296).
Nombres vulgares: "Albahaca del monte".
Cleome flexuosa Griseb., nom. illeg.
Abh. Königl. Ges. Wiss. Göttingen 19: 73-74. 1874 Nombre vulgar: Albahaca del monte (Tucumán).
Ejemplares de referencia
Colector | N° Colect. | Especie | Departamento | Provincia | Imagen |
1592 | Copo | Santiago del Estero | ||
3381 | Patiño | Formosa | ||
4171 | Formosa | Formosa | ||
6639 | General Güemes | Chaco | ||
798 | Boquerón | |||
21578 | Banda | Santiago del Estero | ||
21778 | Banda | Santiago del Estero | ||
45 | Santiago del Estero | |||
45 | Santiago del Estero | |||
45 | Santiago del Estero | |||
45 | Santiago del Estero | |||
4417 | Hernando Siles | Chuquisaca | ||
1261 | Anta | Salta | ||
10956 | Dr. Manuel Belgrano | Jujuy | ||
4024 | (SI 207963) | Santa Victoria | Salta | |
667 | General José de San Martín | Salta | ||
654 | Leales | Tucumán |
Nombre Vulgar y Usos
Tipo y Observaciones
Material Tipo: Basónimo: Cleome tucumanensis H.H. Iltis
Observaciones: Phenology.- Tarenaya tucumanensis is collected with flowers and fruits from January to June, and in October, November, and December.
Vernacular names.- Albaca del monte (S. Venturi 654).
Discussion.- Tarenaya tucumanensis is commonly confused with the sympatric T. cordobensis (Eichler ex Griseb.) Arana & Oggero. It can be distinguished by its subshrub habit, 0.8–1 m tall (vs. herb, 0.3 m tall), 3- to 5-foliolate leaves (vs. 3-foliolate), unarmed petioles (vs. armed), filaments 20–35 mm long (vs. 13–15 mm long) and anthers 4–5 mm long (vs. 2.5–3 mm long), and capsules on a gynophore 30–40 mm long (vs. 1.2–1.5[–2.5] mm long). Furthermore, T. tucumanensis occurs at lower elevations, between 250 and 350 m, whereas T. cordobensis is distributed in higher elevations up to 2650 m.