
Subshrubs 0.8–1 m tall; branches pubescent to glandular-pubescent, covered with many short slender to stout short prickles throughout. Stipular prickles straight, 2–2.5 × 1 mm. Leaves 3- to 5-foliolate; petioles densely pubescent, armed with slender prickles, 6–15 cm; leaflets elliptic to widely elliptic, 5–10.5 × 2–5 cm, basally cuneate to attenuate, apically acute to acuminate, sessile, margin entire, ciliate, surface slightly pubescent to glabrescent adaxially, midrib and secondary veins puberulent, with prickles. Inflorescence of corymbiform racemes, terminal, 15–20 cm; floral bracts petiolate, petioles densely pubescent, with a pair of prickles at base, 8–10 mm, blade ovate, 10–35 × 7–15 mm, basally obtuse, apically acute, margin ciliate, puberulent on both sides. Flowers with pedicels 45–55 mm, densely pubescent; sepals linear-triangular, 9–10 × 1 mm, long-acuminate, margin ciliate, pubescent abaxially; petals oblong to oblanceolate, 15–23 × 3–8 mm, basally contracted into a claw, claw 5–7 mm, apically obtuse, purple, slightly puberulent-glandular abaxially; nectary conic, inconspicuous fleshy, obsolete in fruit; filaments 25–40 mm, purple; anthers 6–7 mm; ovary cylindric, 5–7 mm, densely puberulent-glandular; style absent; stigma discoid, sessile. Fruits on a gynophore 35–60 mm, cylindric, 5–7.2 cm × 5–8 mm, densely puberulent. Seeds suborbicular, 2.5–3 × 1 mm, finely longitudinally striate, not transversely ridged, glabrous, cleft covered by an opaque membrane.

Distribucion y Habitat

Tarenaya trachycarpa is distributed in northeastern Argentina, southern Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay (Fig. 10C), on roadsides, borders of woods, along riversides, sandy riverbanks, and in flooded woods.

Ejemplares de referencia

Colector N° Colect. Especie Departamento Provincia Imagen
  • Albov, N. M.
  • -1 50 Ensenada Buenos Aires
  • Brescia, R.
  • -1 29 San José
  • Burkart, A.
  • 8289 Islas del Ibicuy Entre Ríos
  • Burkart, A.
  • 29894 La Paz Entre Ríos
  • Burkart, A.
  • 30843 Gualeguaychú Entre Ríos
  • Cabrera, A. L.
  • 7460 La Plata Buenos Aires
  • Cabrera, A. L.
  • 7493 Ensenada Buenos Aires
  • Cabrera, A. L.
  • 27612 Tigre Buenos Aires
  • Di Giácomo, A.
  • 552 Laishí Formosa
  • Di Giácomo, A.
  • 553 Laishí Formosa
  • Hatschbach, G.
  • 41441 Mandirituba Paraná
  • Pedersen, T. M.
  • 10190 Itatí Corrientes
  • Pedersen, T. M.
  • 16314 Mburucuyá Corrientes
  • Pérez, L.
  • 316 Presidente Hayes
  • Ragonese, A. E.
  • 3082 9 de Julio Santa Fe
  • Ragonese, A. E.
  • 4491 La Capital Santa Fe
  • Rosengurtt, B.
  • 259 b Río Negro
  • Schinini, A.
  • 4851 San Cosme Corrientes
  • Schinini, A.
  • 15297 Capital Corrientes
  • Schinini, A.
  • 35611 Presidente Hayes
  • Schwarz, G. J.
  • 6222 San Ignacio Misiones
  • Zuloaga, F. O.
  • 8841 General Manuel Belgrano Misiones
  • Zuloaga, F. O.
  • 8841 General Manuel Belgrano Misiones
  • Zuloaga, F. O.
  • 8841 General Manuel Belgrano Misiones
  • Zuloaga, F. O.
  • 8841 General Manuel Belgrano Misiones

    Nombre Vulgar y Usos

    Tipo y Observaciones

    Material Tipo: Basónimo: Cleome trachycarpa Klotzsch ex Eichler
    Observaciones: Phenology.- Tarenaya trachycarpa is collected with flowers and fruits from August to February. Discussion.- Tarenaya trachycarpa is a subshrub species, with pubescent to glandular-pubescent indumentum, and many slender to stout short prickles throughout the branches. The indumentum is a diagnostic feature to recognize the species; it can also be recognized by the glandular-puberulent petals at the abaxial face and the cylindric, densely puberulent capsules.
