
Herbs to shrubs 1 m tall; branches glandular-pubescent, pubescent to glabrescent. Stipular prickles slightly curved at apex, 2–3 × 1.5 mm. Leaves 3- to 7-foliolate; petioles pubescent to glabrescent, armed with slender to stout straight short prickles, 6–8.5 cm; leaflets elliptic to widely elliptic, elliptic-lanceolate, 3.3–6.2 × 1–2 cm, basally attenuate to cuneate, apically acuminate to long-acuminate, petiolules pubescent, armed, 2–3 mm, margin sinuose-ciliate to serrulate-ciliate, surfaces glabrous or rarely with scattered, short, pointed, eglandular hairs on both sides, midrib and secondary veins glabrous, with prickles. Inflorescence of corymbiform racemes, terminal, = 30 cm; floral bracts petiolate, petioles puberulent, 3–5 mm, blade ovate to elliptic, 11–16 × 5–10 mm, basally cuneate to rounded, apically acute, margin serrulate-ciliate, puberulent on both sides. Flowers with pedicels 17–19 mm, glabrescent; sepals linear-triangular to lanceolate, 2.5–3 × 1 mm, acute, margin ciliate, glabrescent abaxially; petals obovate, 5–6 × 2.5–3 mm, basally contracted into a claw, claw 3–4 mm, apically obtuse, white, glabrous; nectary conic, conspicuous fleshy, persistent in fruit; filaments 20–23 mm, purple; anthers 2.5–3 mm; ovary cylindric, 4–5 mm, glabrous; style 1–2 mm, persistent in fruit; stigma pronouncedly capitate. Fruits on a gynophore 21–25 mm, cylindric, slightly torulose, 6–9 cm × 3–5 mm, pubescent to glabrous. Seeds suborbicular, 2–2.5 × 1–1.5 mm, seeming smooth, longitudinally striate, and finely transversely ridged, cleft covered by a thin and opaque membrane.

Distribucion y Habitat

It occurs in Central and South America and is known from Panama, and Ecuador south to Argentina, and east to Brazil (Fig. 10B). It is found in terra firme and várzea forests, borders of woods, along riverbanks and riversides, pampas, and on roadsides.


Tarenaya Tarenaya psoraleifolia (DC.) Soares Neto & Roalson

Ejemplares de referencia

Colector N° Colect. Especie Departamento Provincia Imagen
  • Bacigalupo, N. M.
  • 1617 Concordia Entre Ríos
  • Woolston, A. L.
  • 1147 San Pedro
  • Zuloaga, F. O.
  • 2743 Salta

    Nombre Vulgar y Usos

    Tipo y Observaciones

    Material Tipo: Basónimo: Cleome psoraleifolia DC.
    Observaciones: Phenology.- Tarenaya psoraleifolia is collected with flowers and fruits throughout the year. Discussion.- Tarenaya psoraleifolia resembles T. parviflora and it is very difficult to distinguish them by vegetative features. However, T. psoraleifolia has obovate white petals, 5–6 × 2.5–3 mm (vs. oblanceolate, white to deep purple, 3–4 × 1.5 mm), a conic nectary (vs. disciform), filaments 20–23 mm long (vs. 10–16 mm), and capsules on gynophores 21–25 mm long (vs. 5–15 mm).