No se encontro descripcion para la especie.
Distribucion y Habitat
Gilliesia Gilliesia graminea Lindl.
Ejemplares de referencia
Colector | N° Colect. | Especie | Departamento | Provincia | Imagen |
-1 | 9 | Valparaíso | Valparaíso | |
3975 | Valparaíso | Valparaíso | ||
3001 | Curicó | Maule | ||
3001 | Curicó | Maule | ||
43 | Valparaíso | Valparaíso | ||
-1 | 139 | Mendoza |
Nombre Vulgar y Usos
Tipo y Observaciones
Material Tipo: Chile. "First discovered in the neighbourhood of Valparaiso, by Mr. James M'Rae, on his voyage to the Sandwich Islands, in the service of the Horticultural Society, on board His Majesty's ship the Blonde, commanded by Lord Byron. It flowered in the Greenhouse in September 1825, within a few weeks of its arrival. An inconspicuous bulbous plant, thriving well in a cool greenhouse, planted in sand and loam."