Árbol erguido, de 4-20 m de alt., tronco de 20-50 cm de diám., madera dura, amarilla. Lámina elíptica de 3-3,5 x 1-1,3 cm, domacios abaxiales fasciculados, formados por pelos combretáceos en la axila de 2-3 nervios laterales principales; pecíolos de 3-4 mm. Pedúnculos de 8-25 mm, en la axila de catáfilos pubescentes. Flores 4-8, sésiles, en espigas subcapitadas; raquis de 2-20 mm de long., brácteas de 2-3 mm. Flores de ± 6 mm; tubo floral pubescente; sépalos 5, triangulares, reflexos, de ± 1 mm; estambres 10; estilo pubescente, de ± 4,5 mm. Fruto membranáceo, de 8-11 x 1,5-2 cm; cuerpo fusiforme, alas laterales triangulares. [Tree up to 20 m high or sometimes a bush. Branchlets appresed-pubescent when young, soon glabrescent. Leaves entire alternate, often approximated in pseudo-verticels. Lamina up to 7,5 x 2,8 cm, usually 2-3 x 1-1,2 cm, narrowly to broadly elliptic or obovate-elliptic, usually acute, rarely rounded at the apex, cuneate at the base, appresed-pubescent and minutely verruculose, appresed-pubescent (often densely) beneath, midrib often sericeous beneath; lateral veins 4-7 pairs, reticulation often rather conspicuous beneath. Petioles 2-8 mm long, slender, appresed-pubescent. Inflorescences composed of 3-7 flowers grouped in a subcapitate spike on a slender sericeous rachis up to 2,5 cm long, usually 1-1,5 cm long; spikes usually borne in clusters of 2-5 on dwarf shoots or singly in the axils of the leaves. Flowers sessile, pentamerous, yellowish. Upper receptacle cupuliform, 2-2,5 mm long, appresed-pubescent. Lower receptacle 2-3 mm long, sericeous. Calyx-lobes ovate-triangular, about 1 mm long. Disk pilose. Petals absent. Stamens 10, filaments 2-3,5 mm long, exserted. Style 2 mm long, exserted. Fruit transversely elliptic in outline, broader than long, very variable in size, 0,8-1,6 x 1-2,5 cm, appresed-pubescent, fundamentally 5-sided but with two edges extended laterally for 4-10 mm into two thin wings and a third edge raised into a more or less promeinent ridge, so that a two-winged fruit is formed, which is flat on one surface and slightly ridged on the other.]
Distribucion y Habitat
Brasil, Paraguay, Bolivia y NE de la Argentina, en las Provincias Biogeográficas de las Yungas (Catamarca, Jujuy, Salta y Tucumán), Chaqueña (Chaco, Formosa y Santa Fe) y Paranaense (Misiones y Corrientes), siempre en campos y bordes de selvas caducifolias, hasta los 1700 m.s.m.
Terminalia Terminalia triflora (Griseb.) Lillo
Chuncoa triflora Griseb.
Abh. Königl. Ges. Wiss. Göttingen 24: 132. 1879
Myrobalanus balansae Kuntze
Revis. Gen. Pl. 3(2): 87. 1898
Terminalia balansae (Kuntze) K. Schum.
Just's Bot. Jahresber. 26(1): 346. 1900
Terminalia hassleriana Chodat
Bull. Herb. Boissier, sér. 2 3: 346. 1903
Terminalia balansae (Kuntze) Hassl., comb. superfl.
Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 8: 45. 1910
Myrobalanus triflora (Griseb.) Kuntze
Revis. Gen. Pl. 3(3): 88. 1898
Terminalia uleana Engl. ex Alwan & Stace
Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 76(4): 1127. 1989 Engler wrote the name "Uleana" on the sheet
at B but did not publish it. Also written on the
sheet is the idea that the species is related to T.
argentea. The new species belongs to sect. Aus-
trales Engl. & Diels, itself close to sect. Diptera,
which contains T. argentea. Of the species in sect.
Australes, T. uleana differs from T. australis Cam-
bess. and T. reitzii Exell in fruit shape and from
T. trifora (Griseb.) Lillo by having wider leaves
and wider fruits with a differently shaped wing.
The fruit wing of T. uleana is often curved down-
ward (retrorsely), and this character is diagnostic;
a third rudimentary wing is often present. The
species has not been found since 1889.
Terminalia reitzii Exell
Sellowia 16: 191. 1964
Terminalia hassleriana Chodat var. bernardiensis Chodat
Bull. Herb. Boissier, sér. 2 3: 346. 1903
Ejemplares de referencia
Colector | N° Colect. | Especie | Departamento | Provincia | Imagen |
8940 | Santa Bárbara | Jujuy | ||
1595 | Paraguarí | |||
18135 | Paraguarí | |||
18394 | - | |||
31031 | Palpalá | Jujuy | ||
2827 | San Cosme | Corrientes | ||
3572 | General Obligado | Santa Fe | ||
4676 | General Obligado | Santa Fe | ||
8860 | San Pedro | Jujuy | ||
9251 | Santa Victoria | Salta | ||
9435 | Paclin | Catamarca | ||
9436 | Paclin | Catamarca | ||
9501 | Paclin | Catamarca | ||
12581 | Paraná | |||
3 | Paclin | Catamarca | ||
4 | Paclin | Catamarca | ||
16 | San Cosme | Corrientes | ||
10012 | Paclin | Catamarca | ||
18711 | Paclin | Catamarca | ||
18735 | Paclin | Catamarca | ||
18876 | Paclin | Catamarca | ||
18881 | Paclin | Catamarca | ||
20176 | Orán | Salta | ||
20671 | Paclin | Catamarca | ||
20706 | Paclin | Catamarca | ||
20708 | Paclin | Catamarca | ||
20712 | Paclin | Catamarca | ||
20721 | Paclin | Catamarca | ||
21078 | Paclin | Catamarca | ||
11949 | Iguazú | Misiones | ||
2102 | Bermejo | Chaco | ||
2378 | Formosa | Formosa | ||
8349 | Santa Catarina | |||
16453 | Santo Tomé | Corrientes | ||
12174 | Candelaria | Misiones | ||
9 | (CORD 5685) | Orán | Salta | |
103 | (CORD 5684) | Tucumán | ||
103 | (CORD 5684) | Tucumán | ||
2755 | Paso de los Libres | Corrientes | ||
41 | San Cosme | Corrientes | ||
3079 | El Carmen | Jujuy | ||
4001 | Orán | Salta | ||
4149 | General José de San Martín | Salta | ||
5211 | Misiones | |||
5300 | General Obligado | Santa Fe | ||
6565 | General Obligado | Santa Fe | ||
6799 | General Obligado | Santa Fe | ||
7797 | General Obligado | Santa Fe | ||
7835 | General Obligado | Santa Fe | ||
12194 | Rio do Sul | Santa Catarina | ||
12194 | Rio do Sul | Santa Catarina | ||
601 | Candelaria | Misiones | ||
147 | 4564 | Iguazú | Misiones | |
6561 | Capital | Misiones | ||
7159 | Iguazú | Misiones | ||
4038 | Caazapá | |||
-1 | (SI 203545) | Tucumán | ||
2058 | Ledesma | Jujuy | ||
1170 | Ituzaingó | Corrientes | ||
3356 | Capital | Corrientes | ||
4564 | Iguazú | Misiones | ||
4764 | Capital | Corrientes | ||
5741 | Candelaria | Misiones | ||
1004 | Santa Catarina | |||
1004 | Santa Catarina | |||
-1 | Candelaria | Misiones | ||
349 | Apóstoles | Misiones | ||
33288 | Central | |||
36742 | Paraguarí | |||
37117 | Caaguazú | |||
15380 | El Carmen | Jujuy | ||
15380 | El Carmen | Jujuy | ||
15380 | El Carmen | Jujuy |
Nombre Vulgar y Usos
Tipo y Observaciones
Material Tipo: Basónimo: Chuncoa triflora Griseb.
Observaciones: NOMBRES VULGARES.- "Guayaibí amarillo" (Cha); "Ibirá-saiyú", "Lanza" (J); "Lanza amarilla" (Ct, J, T); "Lapachillo"; "Palo amarillo" (J); "Sarandí"(M). "Guajayví sa’y jú" (Paraguay).
T. triflora florece al tiempo que brotan las hojas nuevas, muy pubescentes; durante la floración es visitada por abejas. El tamaño máximo que alcanzan las hojas se aprecia recién durante la fructificación.
Aspecot general